The God of Protection from Misfortune-Yakujinmyoō (厄神明王) is widely recognized for its effectiveness for warding off evil and protecting devotees from misfortune is enshrined in Mondoyakujin. The Noble Dragon deity of the Yukujinmyoō family emanates a sacred light of from its divine realm for the guidance and protection of mortals from evil and misfortune. In the mysterious Dragon Forest deep in the universe, a dragon is said to have slept for eternity.
Over time he manifests into a Sacred Dragon Tree whose duty is to protect all the sacred beasts that dwell in the forest. When his purpose has been served, he is once again fulfilled with the soul of the powerful God, who breathes new life into him and he soars high into the heavens. His tempestuous stare eradicating misfortune, and his sharp fangs and claws annihilating evil. The dragon soaring through the heavens with his Wish Fulfilling Jewel-Nyoihōju (如意宝珠) that has received the wishes of all mankind, is known to worshippers as Yakujinryuoō-The Dragon God of Fortune (厄神龍王).